
Entrepreneurship to multiply, sustainability to build the future
The projects and programs of Instituto Center Norte are divided into two front lines. On the one hand, the projects of the Enterpreneurial North area, with proposals for training and entrepreneurial education, especially for women and young people in the region. On the other hand, the activities of Sustainable North area, which take care of the territory, seeking solutions for a better life in the region.
Get to know all the projects and their power to change.
Projects we support
We offer financial and technical support to projects that are aligned with our mission of creating “an environment of learning and innovation for people and institutions to develop solutions that improve the life in the North area of São Paulo”.
We also provide technical follow-up to projects of civil society organizations that are funded by resources raised in Cidade Center Norte business units. The fund raising happens through Lei de Incentivo à Cultura, Lei de Incentivo ao Esporte (LIE), Lei do Idoso, Conselho Estadual dos Direitos da Criança e do Adolescente (Condeca) and Fumcad – Fundo Municipal da Criança e do Adolescente.
Other than that, we also offer non-monetary resources to initiatives that align with our mission. This includes providing meeting venues at the exhibition and convention center at Expo Center Norte or Novotel São Paulo Center Norte or the engagement of Cidade Center Norte employees in volunteering initiatives. Finally, the Marketing Department at Cidade Center Norte also examines exhibition and visibility opportunities for the projects, leveraging the infrastructure Center Norte and Lar Center offer.
In 2019, our project portfolio included nine initiatives funded with our own resources, nine projects supported through incentive laws, and two promoted by granting the use of Expo Center Norte space as a venue for activities. Together, all these initiatives comprise Rede Instituto Center Norte.