Clear objectives, transparent results
Instituto Center Norte works with over 20 partner organizations. In 2019, 173 initiatives were carried out in the northern part of the city through projects supported by Instituto Center Norte, 14 with shared value, more than 40 NGOs and more than 7 public schools benefited.
Clear objectives defined by our mission, vision and values help us guide our efforts and thus to obtain more and more results of social impact in the region.
Here you can find accountability reports and a description of results obtained.

Testimonials from people who directly benefited from our projects

Já formou 1 turma de mais de 10 mulheres e está iniciando a segunda.
“Eu nunca imaginei que poderia ser professora, está sendo tão gratificante essa experiência, porque através dessas mulheres eu consegui ter mais empatia pelo próximo, mais paciência. Você vê tanto sofrimento que passei também a valorizar minha própria vida e família. Estou aprendendo muito.”

Já formou 1 turma de mais de 10 mulheres e está iniciando a segunda.
“Eu nunca imaginei que poderia ser professora, está sendo tão gratificante essa experiência, porque através dessas mulheres eu consegui ter mais empatia pelo próximo, mais paciência. Você vê tanto sofrimento que passei também a valorizar minha própria vida e família. Estou aprendendo muito.”

Apaixonada também por artesanato, a Rede foi uma inspiração para que começasse a desenvolver peças com essas mulheres, para formação profissional e incentivo criativo.
“Assistir às aulas da Escola me ajudou muito a planejar melhor o Mariás. Agora me sinto mais segura para me dedicar 100% a esse projeto.”

Hoje, depois de largar o emprego que não lhe fazia bem para se dedicar integralmente à Rede, ela revela:
“A Rede me salva todas as manhãs, na hora de levantar da cama. Estou realizando um sonho, me sinto reconhecida e valorizada. Vocês são meu refúgio e o artesanato minha terapia mais eficiente”.
Initiatives around Cidade Center Norte
Circuito Recicla ZN
Inspired by Plogging, a sports activity developed by Swedish environmentalist Erik Ahlström, Circuito Recicla is an innovative initiative which aims to encourage the practice of trekking while people collect trash and urban waste along the way.
The 1st took place on August 25th in a joint action with Cidade Center Norte.
The activity was held at the North region of the city during Virada Sustentável and had 120 participants.
Testimonials from volunteers

I have participated in two editions of Startup Varejo as a mentor. It is a technological entrepreneurship project in public schools in the North area of the city. Both of them have been inspiring experiences, to see how much these people value the chance to participate the project and see it as an important part of their professional future. I see results in this type of initiative, using knowledge as a tool to transform/help society.”

I served as a mentor during the development of some youth projects supported by the Program and in the final presentations that defined the most structured projects.
Acting as a volunteer goes far beyond spending time on your day, on your routine, to help. I see it as an opportunity to make a difference in the lives of people who seek their space through their ideas, their ideals, their learning. And the Program does exactly that, it causes this young man to explore his potential, raising the meaning of his ideas and making them develop with the best of himself.
It is a rich and impactful process for everyone involved, because it promotes social action, stimulates learning and opens paths for social development and entrepreneurship.
For me, being part of that is, somehow, to cooperate with the growth of each of those people.”

I believe we are in the company for our personal and professional development and the openness to being a volunteer helps us with that, with personal growth and to become better and more empathetic people.
I was glad to be a volunteer for Cidade Center Norte, which is always open and encourages us to get to know the group’s works and projects. I am thankful for the opportunity to collaborate in projects I believe in and I hope to do much more with you.”

Also, to think about productivity, efficiency, and development in the corporate environment without connecting this aspect of human exchange is to avoid progress.
All initiatives promoted by the Institute I could take part in showed me value and purpose. It makes all the difference to devote your time to something you believe in. And it has since been a mutual exchange and very rich in experiences and inspirations. Thank you Instituto Center Norte.”