There are many stories of people impacted by Instituto Center Norte initiatives. Read about some of them.
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O Atados se uniu a sua rede para atuar frente à pandemia do coronavírus. Juntos, desenvolveram diversas iniciativas de controle e combate ao impacto do coronavírus em nossas comunidades para fortalecer cada vez mais o setor social.
As oportunidades são várias e vão desde o engajamento de projetos à distância, no formato home-office, campanhas para abastecer os bancos de sangue até iniciativas para apoiar as populações mais vulneráveis durante a pandemia.
Atados joined its network to deal with the coronavirus pandemic. Together, they developed several initiatives to control and combat the impact of coronavirus in our communities to further strengthen the social sector.
The opportunities are many, ranging from the engagement of remote projects, in the home-office format, campaigns to supply blood banks to initiatives to support the most vulnerable populations during the pandemic.
There are many stories of people impacted by Instituto Center Norte initiatives. Read about some of them.