Publicado há 4 years • 1 min de leituramin reading

Virada Sustentável 2020

Instituto Center Norte sponsors, for the second year in a row, Virada Sustentável, an initiative that aims to improve society and environment from a joyful and inspiring perspective of sustainability. Edition 2020 goes from September 16th to October 18th and will have an extensive schedule, with online and offline activations.

From October 5 to 11, Instituto Center Norte will support the graffiti action by Coletivo Feminino Zona Norte at Fábricas de Cultura Jaçanã, Vila Nova Cachoeirinha and Brasilândia, where the participants will depict, with their artistic manifestations, themes related to the Amazon Forest and the environment.

Instituto Center Norte will also support the intervention “Seja a Mudança” at Carandiru station on the blue subway line. Between October 12 and 18, the steps of one of the station’s stairs will be taken by the 17 UN-defined Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that govern the achievements of Virada Sustentável throughout Brazil. According to the organization of the event, these objectives today represent the best translation of what sustainability is, bringing this concept clearly to society and revealing its transversal nature in the most diverse areas of knowledge.

Check out the full event schedule at

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