Publicado há 4 years • 1 min de leituramin reading

North area stories featured at Museu da Pessoa

“Zona Norte Mostra Suas Redes” is the result of a project developed by cultural and social agents in the region, with the sponsorship of Instituto Center Norte.

On February 3rd, Museu da Pessoa opened the free exhibition “Zona Norte Mostra Suas Redes” at Luz subway station in São Paulo.

The exhibition features texts and images about this region of the capital of the state of São Paulo and will present parts of residents biographies who were interviewed by the participants of the Northern Area Memory Project, developed through the Lei Federal de Incentivo à Cultura – Lei Rouanet, sponsored by Instituto Center Norte.

For the president and founder of Museu da Pessoa, Karen Worcman, listening to and registering these biographies helps strengthen the culture of the northern region of the city of São Paulo.

“The purpose of the project is to document the biographies of the people who live in the area and, through that, turn each life experience into a source of knowledge about the region history e show the several simultaneous realities in one single place”, she said.


Exposição “Zona Norte Mostra Suas Redes”
Opening on February 3rd
Location: Estação da Luz, Praça da Luz, 1, Luz, São Paulo capital

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